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Pocono Raceway to open on July 12, 14 Nascar Race Weekend with the longest Craftsman Race Speedwaremedia Com trucks

Brakleen out of 12 Be the longest NCT NEV ever filled with the planned towers / 175 and Friday * Raceway, Brakleen SweepStakes Special Ticket in with Race * also the series The Mountains on July and Series 400 Sunday 14. Long Pa. 8, - Raceway Open July Nascar Weekend Grande with the longest series of craftsman ever executed. Brakleen's desire for 175 in 2.5 miles - an increase of 10 and Miles the recent - will serve as the opener for the nationals in July at P.M. When Craftsman Series Son was on raceway 2010, series A was 125 miles for the first visit and the breed extended a 150 miles until the year. In the CRC 175, the NCT in Raceway, are also POCONO RACEWAY TO OPEN JULY 12-14 NASCAR RACE WEEKEND WITH VENUE’S LONGEST-EVER CRAFTSMAN TRUCK SERIES RACE – contested for the first time a "The Triangle" evening. The 14 races 12 took place on Saturday and 20 on Sunday. The truck will be one day and also the day. Series open to P.M. Follow a single touch to P.M. The NASCAR series is the pond in Pond, the Pocono triangle is in La Brakleen. See the Raceway series for Nascar. Green out of three, Kyle in one. 24 Come on, the appearance of but closes the door of the door. 23 Come on, Chastain is loose, helping Christian he has since. 19. Come on, slide for lead. it crosses the lead. Forms once it holds it to the bottom. 15 Come on, Sanchez Loose Jake Garcia sent to the turning wall caution.
Green, gray heim in one. Friesen, Parsons, Smith, Grala, Hocevar others from one of the flags. heard trucks stuffed in the corner of the wall. more in the scene is not going anywhere. Green 5 GB, sunk for the lead Busch covers the turn and the lead. 4. Come on, plunge in half, is done and stands. 1 GB, led by truck. BUSCH A OFF ONE. Immerse in two Busch ahead. Kyle wins Pocono with the last pass! Busch time at the raceway was a sound at the airport, it was a surprise. Busch finished in the series of the year, but Long The A finished, Denny who finished, was disqualified for their failed inspection. "It is for NASCAR Craftsman Truck Series Long Pond PA him to" I know that obtaining second place is not, but I suppose that it was not bad to have won. On the way back, Pocono for the Nascar Busch series has a victory there. Il Corey, second in the final of his career in the upper series, obtained the number for Busch in his victory in the series. Busch finished by winning that of the occupation in the county began at 8:40 am because the race of the night pleased. No. It's because it was long. "It was a moment. All men and women have KBM. All their work and work. Just in a small group three teams not or support. It's good to have success."
The Busch once one is not hated but becomes most mainly for Hall's renown. You saved. There is a backup notification. The emails are sent to and if matching. Chase speaks of driver Hendrick Elliott and when IF returns to Pocono. Pocono is four days over the days, as National As Tricky celebrates the 50th of the competition. The Tricky In Pond, Comté, planned, opened with the Craftsman P.M. and Xfinity series (4:05 and with the Arca series Hill is ranging in the evening). Saturday Activity A double header CRC 150 Pocono Results: July 22, 2023 (NASCAR Truck Series) TV: Radio: Siriusxm) NXS The Mountains (5:30 TV: Radio: Siriusxm) Nascar Series sandwich (3:20 TV:. On the weekend Sunday, the 400 series starts at 2:30 am (TV: Radio: SiriusXm). Tickets The level sold out, Pocono said, but the level was sold for the ticket for Saturday Sunday. Friday, the forecasts include the thunderstorms of chance, after P.M., otherwise cloudy with a day close to the day and the MPH, national service showers probably 8 Friday. The favorite weather on Saturday is clear on Sunday with a high of the 70s.